Sunday, February 9, 2014

Crime and Deviance

Crime is a very big issue in the American society today, and everyone knows it. The statistics can only prove this fact, unfortunately, and they are shocking. According to the latest researchers from all over the world, about one-fourth of all the imprisoned from all the corners of the Earth are the US imprisoned! Sounds scary, doesn't it?

First of all, as a Ukrainian, I would say that a lot of people from the places I am originally from say that the laws and regulations in the United States are kind of too much strict in the attitude to the jail sentences. For example, In Ukraine the maximum time to be spent in jail could be simply: for the rest of life. However, in America you add the years and make up the whole term in prison, even though it may sound unrealistic, like 250 years of jail. And, for instance, your punishments are stricter and even for some of the stuff which would be called a misdemeanor in UA is considered to be quite serious in the US. And, as the consequence, the jail sentence in the prison can be much longer here for the same action, comparing to the same action in my Motherland, Ukraine. This seems to make no sense to me, however, this is a very subjective position and You, my dear reader, can think differently.

Another point is that, I guess, the problem of crime and especially the organized one, starts from the childhood. Scientists claim that the more educated people are in the group of lower risk to get involved into some kind of criminal organizations or gangs, comparing to those who do not get enough experiences at school and what not. So, I think that to solve the problem of the people in prisons in the US, You need to change, probably, even something in the basic educational system. Probably, there should be more encouraging programs for the students which would help them to find the right place in a society, to find their way to go and occupation to choose for the future.

Finally, I think that those people who are in prisons should be working. This is so because their number increases with the every new year. This means: new prison buildings, new areas, more spending on keeping those who must be isolated. To my mind, they should be kept not just for the money from the tax, but from their own work, too.

All in all, I am sure that the issue with the prisons and its inhibitors can be  solved. It is only the question of time, laws and government decisions.

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